The Guardian

by eastwingx

Some wonderful coverage for EWX and Gabriele Dawe, who has custom designed a 20 meter cotton installation for the exhibition. The feature will be in print on page 12 of the most current Guardian, you can also read it online here.

“The exhibition was planned, organised and fund raised by students at the Courtauld who have this year attracted 55 artists including Damien Hirst, Thomas Allen, Hugo Dalton, and Georgia Russell.

Dawe was suggested by a student who had spotted his work in Los Angeles last year. Like most of the artists, once they managed to get past the agent and gallery system, he agreed immediately. The Courtauld, a university internationally renowned for history of art and conservation, moved in 1989 to a wing of Somerset House. The East Wing exhibition was launched two years later by Joshua Compston, a student who went on to become a brilliant and maverick curator, and died of an accidental drugs overdose in 1996 aged 25. His first Courtauld exhibition – billed as the first contemporary art show in the space since the Royal Academy’s summer show was housed there in the 19th century – included Gary Hume, Gilbert and George, Langland and Bell, and a promising young painter called Damien Hirst.”